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Bancontact KBC ING BNP Paribas VISA Mastercard iDeal

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DHL DB Schenker TNT

Frequently asked questions

On the Fargo Drives website, we promise that the product that you order will fit on your machine. Fargo Drives has a database that holds the size data of excavators. If you get a result based on brand and type and the entered data matches the nameplate of your machine, we promise that the product that you order will fit on your machine. This is 100% guaranteed. We are convinced that you will be sent a fitting travel drive.

If the travel drive should not fit for whatever reason, contact us. We will gladly help you.

If you have one faulty travel drive, the probability is considerable that your travel drive on the other side will also need replacing soon. This travel drive will, after all, have had the same load and will have worked as many hours as the worn one. To ensure your machine does not stop working again soon due to a faulty travel drive, we therefore recommend always ordering an extra travel drive. In addition, ordering a second travel drives will prevent a speed difference between the two travel drives. A new travel drive always runs slightly faster or slower than the current travel drive that has been used for a while.

You will, moreover, benefit from a 10% discount when you order a second travel drive!

If you place your order on a working day before 4 p.m., it will be sent that same day. If you order after this time, our order will be sent the next working day. When you will receive the order depends on your address.

If you place your order on a working day before 4 p.m., it will be sent that same day. If you order after this time, our order will be sent the next working day. When you will receive the order depends on your address.

Verhoeven 60 jaar oude foto met logo

Personal service and many years of experience

Fargo Drives is part of the Verhoeven International family business that has been operational for around 67 years. Soon after the Second World War, the company started repairing and selling machines. Years of experience and knowledge eventually led to an increasing demand for replaceable final drives for machines. From this, Fargo Drives was born.

Our history

Including final drives of other top brands

In addition to the Fargo Drives final drives, we also offer final drives of other top brands in our webshop. With our large range of final drives, we can guarantee that you will never have to wait long for a new final drive.

Read more about the brands that we offer by clicking one of the adjacent logos or photos.