You can search by brand and type or by OEM number. If you enter the brand and type of your excavator, one or more input fields may appear. Not sure what to enter here? Then look at the type plate of your excavator. This can be found on the right side or at the bottom right on the front of your machine.
On the right-hand side of the search bar, you can also search by OEM number. The OEM number is the part number of the original manufacturer and can be found in the parts manual of your machine.
It is important to change the oil in your final drives on time. If you do not do this, you run the risk of damaging your final drive sooner. To optimise the life of your Final drives, it is important that you change the oil every 250 working hours.
Moreover, it is important that you change the oil in your final drive properly. How to do this, we explain in this blog.
Make sure you have all the supplies on hand when checking or changing your travel drives. These are:
It is also a good idea to check the oil level. This way, you can check whether it is necessary to top up the oil. You can read how to do this in our other blog on oil or watch the video on changing oil.
As indicated above, it is a good idea to change the oil in your excavator's final drives once every 250 working hours. The correct way to change your oil is as follows:
With these steps, you can change and maintain the oil of your final drives yourself. After reading this blog, do you still have questions, or can't figure it out? In the video below, you can watch it again step by step. Or contact us for more info or assistance.